Our Services / / Front end Development
Front end Development

The frontend of a website is what you see and interact with on your browser. Also referred to as “client-side”, it includes everything the user experiences directly: from text and colors to buttons, images, and navigation menus.

Let’s say you decide to start a business. You open a gourmet dog treat bakery and need a professional website to present your company to customers and tell them where you’re located. Maybe you’ll include a few photos and some information about your products. All you need are frontend technologies to build your website.

Frontend Languages

We at World Web Software uses these three languages that do the trick:

HTML – the fundamental coding language that creates and organizes web content so it can be displayed by a browser

CSS – a language that accompanies HTML, and defines the style of a website’s content, such as layout, colors, fonts, etc.

JavaScript – programming language used for more interactive elements like drop down menus, modal windows, and contact forms.

Technology We Work With

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