Meals on Wheels

At Edmonton Meals on Wheels, we have a long history of feeding body and soul®. Our first hot meals were delivered on April 21, 1969. Since then, we have been providing home-delivered meals and related food services to promote health, well-being and independence for a diverse mix of clients.

As a local non-profit and registered charitable organization, we work hard with our sponsors, volunteers and the community to find effective ways to serve those who need our help. Since 1988, we have had our own commercial food production and distribution centre. Our Red Seal Executive Chef makes sure our meals of healthy and tasty. By continually monitoring our clients’ preferences and needs, we respond with changes to our menus and programs.

Feeding Body and Soul®

Food is essential for physical well-being. It is also an important social connector, especially for those who are housebound. The sharing of food helps build relationships, ease loneliness and provide opportunities to listen, laugh and share stories.

  • 83% of Meals on Wheels clients say our service improves their health
  • 87% say our services make them feel more safe and secure
  • 92% say our services enable them to remain at home

Edmonton Meals on Wheels connects people who need a little help with those who want to help! Very often, our caring volunteers become part of our client’s social support network. This is how we nourish and feed both body and soul®.


Edmonton Meals on Wheels will attain excellence in providing meal services, enhance volunteer and client support programs, all to meet the evolving needs of the community.


Edmonton Meals on Wheels is a not-for-profit organization that relies on volunteers to provide nutritious meals and related programs which promote health, well-being and independence for our clients.

Our volunteers

Our volunteers have one thing in common: they care and want to help. To ensure the well-being of our clients, we screen all our volunteers. In particular, those that will be entering clients’ homes must submit to a criminal record check.

Who we serve

Edmonton Meals on Wheels is not just for seniors. In fact, 25% of our clients are under 65. Think of us when you or your family members:

  • Don’t have family close at hand to help with meals or groceries
  • Need help adjusting to special dietary restrictions
  • Are just being discharged from the hospital and need help at home
  • Are finding it hard to cook well-balanced meals everyday

Have a Project to discuss? What are we waiting for?

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